Filters: Unemployed people

Access to Benefits Helpline

Group: Legal Aid Society

Call 888-663-6880 for the Legal Aid Society's Access to Benefits (A2B) Helpline, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Interpreters are available for all languages. A2B staff can assist N...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Asistencia para aplicaciones de Seguro Médico del estado de New York

Group: New York State Department of Health

Seguro Médico gratuito o de bajo costo para aquellos que califiquen según su situación financiera. Llame al 1-855-355-5777 para inscribirse directamente o llame la línea de ayuda de asistencia de Medi...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Ayuda para alivio del seguro de desempleo

Group: New York State Bar Association

Ayuda en línea para reclamar los beneficios del seguro de desempleo y resolver reclamos denegados.
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Community Focus: Unemployed people

Benefits assistance, senior and youth programs, and family services

Group: Grand St. Settlement

Connect with Grand St. Settlement to access financial resources, opportunities for education, counseling, training, and support. Services include one-on-one appointments with Grand St. Settlement staf...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

BronxWorks Economic and Social Services and Programs

Group: BronxWorks

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY: 1-800-662-1220 BronxWorks helps individuals and families improve their economic and social well-being. Th...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Catholic Charities Help Line

Group: Catholic Charities

Call 888-744-7900 to get connected with Catholic Charities' wide range of services for New Yorkers of all religions, including food pantries, housing resources, and services for immigrants and refugee...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Civics and English Classes

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Complete the online form to apply to Make the Road adult education programs, including: - English classes for speakers of other languages -Food handlers certification - Citizenship preparation - Hea...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Education

Clases de inglés y educación cívica

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Un tercio de los adultos neoyorqinos—más de dos millones de personas—carecen del conocimiento del idioma inglés o un diploma de educación secundaria, pero como resultado de una falta de fondos solo el...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Education

Covenant House crisis shelter and resources for youth experiencing homelessness

Group: Covenant House NY

Any youth 16-21 and their minor child(ren) may go 24/7 to Covenant House NY crisis shelter at 550 10th Ave (enter on 40th St east of 10th Ave). They have beds, clothes, food, showers, laundry, charger...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Housing

Digital Resource Map by and for Transgender, Non-binary and/or Intersex People

Group: Callen-Lorde

TransAtlas is a map-based guide to community organizations, agencies and spaces across the 5 boroughs of New York City, made by and for people of transgender, non-binary and/or intersex experience....
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Education

Digital Skills Course

Group: Hot Bread Kitchen

Enroll in membership on their "Bridge Course" page. This free digital skills course teaches and provides computer skills to feel more equipped in the online professional world.
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Housing Delivery/Transport

Emotional support line and resources for support during COVID-19 crisis

Group: New York State Department of Health

Confidential, anonymous, and free emotional support line to speak with a crisis counselor 8am-10pm / 7 days : 1-844-863-9314. NY Project Hope seeks to promote wellness to those in NYC who are suffer...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Jobs
Community Focus: Unemployed people

Employment Opportunities for Long-Term Unemployed Men

Group: The Doe Fund

The Doe Fund offers employment opportunities for men who have experienced long-term unemployment but who are not homeless. To learn more about our day program, call 212-690-6480.
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Jobs

Facilities Management Program

Group: Hot Bread Kitchen

Apply for the free 4-month training program via their website on the "programs" page. HBK's career resources not only provide certifications and training but also help source jobs and provide intervie...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Food Career Program

Group: Hot Bread Kitchen

Apply for this free program on the "career programs" page. This resource is available for women over 18 who are looking to find a job in food and restaurant services. Must be able to actively take cou...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Need Category: Food Eldercare

Showing 15 of 32 results