Filters: Education

Benefits assistance, senior and youth programs, and family services

Group: Grand St. Settlement

Connect with Grand St. Settlement to access financial resources, opportunities for education, counseling, training, and support. Services include one-on-one appointments with Grand St. Settlement staf...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

BronxWorks Programs for Elementary School Aged Children

Group: BronxWorks

Access directory of childcare resources including after-school programs, summer camps, and community-center based recreational and education activities for children 5-12 years old operated by BronxWor...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Community Focus: Parents/guardians/caregivers

Children Wellbeing Programs for Underserved New Yorkers

Group: Children's Aid

Call or email to connect to educational, health and wellbeing, and family support resources. Visit the website to search for specific programs by age group and neighborhood. Program areas are focused...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Civics and English Classes

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Complete the online form to apply to Make the Road adult education programs, including: - English classes for speakers of other languages -Food handlers certification - Citizenship preparation - Hea...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Clases de inglés y educación cívica

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Un tercio de los adultos neoyorqinos—más de dos millones de personas—carecen del conocimiento del idioma inglés o un diploma de educación secundaria, pero como resultado de una falta de fondos solo el...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Clases particulares gratuitos para estudiantes de las escuelas públicas en NYC

Group: EduMate NYC

EduMate NYC es un equipo de estudiantes universitarios que ofrece clases particulares en línea para estudiantes de las escuelas públicas en NYC. Dan prioridad a estudiantes que tienen planes estudiant...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education
Community Focus: Youth

College Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities


Individuals aged 21 or older with intellectual disabilities who reside in New York City can apply for admission to the Melissa Riggio Higher Education Program at the participating CUNY campus in their...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Connections 2023: A Guide for Formerly Incarcerated People in NYC

Group: New York Public Library (NYPL)

A collection of resources for formally incarcerated people. The guide includes resources related to education, money, housing, mental and physical health, substance use, and more.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Digital Resource Map by and for Transgender, Non-binary and/or Intersex People

Group: Callen-Lorde

TransAtlas is a map-based guide to community organizations, agencies and spaces across the 5 boroughs of New York City, made by and for people of transgender, non-binary and/or intersex experience....
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Education Helpline For Education-Related Information in New York City

Group: Advocates for Children of New York (AFC)

Call (866) 427-6033 Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 4 pm to speak to an education specialist (supporting multiple languages). Advocates for Children’s Jill Chaifetz Education Helpline is a resourc...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Free access to resources, survivor advocates, legal experts, and policy advocates for survivors of domestic and sexual violence

Group: Survived and Punished NY/Abolitionist Mutual Aid Fund

An organization that both offers support, resources, survivor advocates, legal experts, and policy advocates for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, but also organizes around fighting the crimi...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Free confidential anti-violence chat & hotline in multiple languages

Group: Womankind

Highly trained helpline advocates can answer general questions about domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual violence across the lifespan, provide crisis counseling and help develop safety pl...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Jobs Education

Free dancing lessons, group exercise, and interactive activities

Group: YM & YWHA of Inwood and Washington Heights

The Y @ Home includes free programs for all ages and populations open to the wider community, including exercise activities, congregate lunches, dance classes, and more.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Free dating abuse and domestic violence services for youth under 24 years old

Group: Day One NYC

Call 800.214.4150, Text 646.535.DAY1 (3291), Email for social services, counseling and legal services.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Free Digital Mental Health Resources

Group: NYC Well

Library of apps and online services offering mental health support, including for depression, anxiety, and addiction.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Showing 15 of 45 results