Filters: Mental & Behavioral Health

Online counseling, health screenings, and additional resources for LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-24

Group: Hetrick-Martin Institute for LGBTQ+ Youth

1-on-1 Counseling via Video/Phone/Chat and Group Counseling for various needs, ranging from transgender issues to anger management. Must become a member to access services. Send an email or a text to...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Community Focus: Youth LGBTQIA2+

Recursos de Alimentos, Salud, y Beneficios para neoyorquinos de la tercera edad

Group: New York City Department for the Aging

Una lista de recursos disponibles para neoyorquinos mayores. Incluye alimentos, asistencia médica, y beneficios.
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Community Focus: Seniors and elders

Residential Services and Support for People with Developmental Disabilities


To apply, contact the referral and information center. Residential supports fall under three models: 1. Individualized Residential Alternatives (IRAs) Supervised IRAs are traditional family-style gro...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Resources for Children and Parents Struggling with COVID-related Trauma

Group: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Diverse collection of information to assist parents in navigating the traumatic experiences of COVID-19 with their children.
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Resources for families of children and young adults with disabilities from 0-26 years of age.

Group: IncludeNYC

IncludeNYC seeks to support families who have children with disabilities for people ages 0-26 years of age. Services include providing access to education, family advocacy, employment and will assist...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Respite Opportunities for Family Members and Caretakers: Out and In-Home


Contact AHRC's referral and information center to connect with their staff and make a referral for yourself or someone you know. AHRC provides respite opportunities for family members and caretakers...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Safe Homes Project - Domestic Violence Programs

Group: Good Shepherd Services

24-Hour Hotline 718-499-2151 Good Shepherd Services’ Safe Homes Project provides an array of free services, which include a hotline, counseling, safety-planning, as well as a 20-bed shelter for survi...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Safe Homes Project (Proyecto de Hogares Seguros) – Programas de Violencia Doméstica

Group: Good Shepherd Services

Línea Directa de 24 Horas 718-499-2151 Por 40 años, el Proyecto de Hogares Seguros de Good Shepherd Services se ha comprometido a la eliminación de la violencia doméstica y la violencia entre parejas...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Servicio gratuito y cofidencial para casos de violencia, servicio de Chat y hotline en varios idiomas

Group: Womankind

Agentes altamente entrenados en la linea de atención estan en capacidad de responder preguntas generales sobre Violencia doméstica, tráfico de personas y violencia sexual en personas de cualquier edad...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Sevicios de Apoyo para menores y adolescentes transgenero y sus familias y comunidades

Group: Ackerman Institute

The Gender & Family Project (GFP por sus siglas en Ingles) del Instituto Ackerman provee servicios de apoyo comprensivo y multidiciplinario para menores y adolescentes transgender y sus familias y com...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Community Focus: LGBTQIA2+

Shelter-Based Clinics for Homeless People

Group: Project Renewal

The shelter-based clinics located in Third Street, Fort Washington, New Providence, and Williams Avenue serve homeless adults from all over New York City. No one is turned away, regardless of their ab...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Substance Use and Mental Health 24-Hour Helpline

Group: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Call (800) 662-4357 (HELP) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) runs a 24-hour mental health ho...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Community Focus: People who use drugs

Support for Formerly Incarcerated People

Group: The Fortune Society

New clients call 212-691-7554 for services including intakes and enrollment, counseling, case management, access to benefits, job readiness training and employment services, education, mental health,...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Support Groups for Gender-Expansive Children, Transgender Adolescents, Their Families & Communities

Group: Ackerman Institute

The Gender & Family Project (GFP) of the Ackerman Institute offers a variety of support groups in addition to other services. There are groups for children 5-10 years old, for gender expansive and tra...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011
Community Focus: LGBTQIA2+

Therapy and Advocacy for Survivors of Sexual Violence

Group: Mount Sinai Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program

Call 212-423-2140. Mount Sinai Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program (SAVI) works with survivors who have been through sexual assault and intimate partner violence, they provide therapy sup...
  • 20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011

Showing 15 of 82 results