Filters: People with low-income/limited income

City Harvest Map of Food Distribution Sites

Group: City Harvest

Map of locations that are currently distributing food, free of charge, throughout NYC. Location sites include soup kitchens, food pantries, City Harvest Mobile Markets, City Harvest Community Partner...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Food

Civics and English Classes

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Complete the online form to apply to Make the Road adult education programs, including: - English classes for speakers of other languages -Food handlers certification - Citizenship preparation - Hea...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Clases de inglés y educación cívica

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Un tercio de los adultos neoyorqinos—más de dos millones de personas—carecen del conocimiento del idioma inglés o un diploma de educación secundaria, pero como resultado de una falta de fondos solo el...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Community and Family Services Counseling and Support

Group: SCO Family of Services

SCO Family of Services provides a range of community, family, and children's services in Brooklyn and Long Island including access to counseling, community centers, literacy, after school, and employm...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Community Meals Every Wednesday -- 116th & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd

Group: Romemu Kitchen-Mandala Cafe

Offering fresh, free meals on Wednesdays from 5-6 PM at the corner of W. 116th & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd in Manhattan.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Food

Coronavirus NYC Neighborhood Food Resource Guides by Hunter College

Group: Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center

These guides by the Hunter College Food Policy Center list all food options (including stores that offer delivery and take EBT), by neighborhood.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Housing

Cost saving programs and resources for HDFC co-op members

Group: UHAB (Urban Homesteading Assistance Board)

Call 212 479 3337 to learn more about resources for HDFC co-ops, including free classes, cost savings on fuel and insurance, and more.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

Group: FEMA

To apply for money to cover funeral expenses for a death caused by COVID-19, call the FEMA helpline Mon-Fri, 9am-9pm Eastern (multi-lingual services are available). Phone: 844-684-6333 | TTY: 800-462-...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Jobs

Crisis Toolkit

Group: Fireweed Collective

An assortment of resources that may provide perspective, comfort, and/or tools that could be of assistance to people experiencing various sorts of tough times. Includes links to informational guides,...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

CUCS Benefit Centers

Group: CUCS

CUCS Benefit Centers provide individuals and families with coordinated access to resources, including benefit enrollment, temporary cash assistance, and legal services. Free and open to the public, wi...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Day Habilitation Program for People with Developmental Disabilities


NYC’s Day Habilitation programs are tailored to adults 18 and over. Programs provide diverse services that cater to people’s individual preferences.​ Day Habilitation is available to people with inte...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Dial-A-Teacher Tutoring

Group: United Federation of Teachers

What: Homework help line for students, run by classroom teachers Where: Call (212) 777-3380 or visit website, fill out the form and get a call from a teacher. Who: Students in kindergarten through 5th...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Childcare and Pregnancy

Diaper Assistance Program

Group: The HopeLine

Call 718-402-1212 Mondays between 9:30am-5pm to schedule an appointment for free diapers (walk-ins cannot be accepted at this time). Distribution is in the Bronx. You must be the parent/legal guardian...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Digital Resource Map by and for Transgender, Non-binary and/or Intersex People

Group: Callen-Lorde

TransAtlas is a map-based guide to community organizations, agencies and spaces across the 5 boroughs of New York City, made by and for people of transgender, non-binary and/or intersex experience....
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Digital Skills Course

Group: Hot Bread Kitchen

Enroll in membership on their "Bridge Course" page. This free digital skills course teaches and provides computer skills to feel more equipped in the online professional world.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Housing Delivery/Transport

Showing 15 of 92 results