NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
The Human Resources Administration is a department of the NYC government which handles things like cash assistance for food and rent, career services, and child support services.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP): Money for Heat, Cooling, and Utility Expenses
Apply for money to pay for fuel, your utility source, equipment and/or repairs through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Apply online or call the Infoline at 800-692-0557 for assistance. HEAP...
Need Category:
Mental & Behavioral Health
Community Focus:
People with disabilities and chronic illnesses/immuno-compromised
Homebase: Support for housing stability to avoid shelter entry
Call 311 or visit to learn more about housing resources provided by the city of New York. Services include eviction prevention, assistance obtaining public benefits, employment search...
Need Category:
Community Focus:
People with low-income/limited income
One Shot Deal: Emergency One-Time Cash Assistance
One-time emergency cash assistance, not dependent on immigration status - to prevent eviction, pay energy or utility bills, or buy health-related items. Apply via ACCESS HRA or call (718) 557-1399 for...
Community Focus:
People with low-income/limited income
Emergency Grant for Burials
Apply online or call 844-684-6333 for funds to meet funeral expenses for a deceased low-income New York City resident.
Help with Moving Expenses
Assistance for HRA clients related to moving, including help with moving expenses, broker's fees, and NYCHA security deposits. See Special Grant Document Guide webpage for specific forms.
Community Focus:
People with low-income/limited income
Information on SNAP Enrollment, Cash Assistance, and Medicaid
Call the NYC HRA info line at 718-557-1399, or download the "Access HRA" app to learn more about and apply for benefits.
Need Category:
Social Service Guidance (e.g. support filing for unemployment)
Additional Resource Libraries
Community Focus:
Undocumented people/immigrants
Money to help pay for rent or mortgage that you owe
Emergency grant to help pay for rent or mortgage that you owe. Must provide documentation showing how future rent payments will be made, including a statement from a third party who will help you pay...
Community Focus:
People with low-income/limited income