Virtual 12-Step meetings for people who use crystal meth

Organization: New York Crystal Meth Anonymous Intergroup (NYCMA)

A calendar of online and in-person (socially distant) meetings and social activities. Call the helpline at 1-855-638-4373.


Virtual counseling, mental health services and PrEP/PEP services for the Latinx LGBTIA+ community

Organization: Oasis Center

Resource is for the Latinx LGBTIA+ community, and additional services are offered to those with AIDS. There is also free and discrete HIV testing. Through the OASIS Center website, you can book a virt...

(212) 584-9325   

  • Latino Commission on AIDS 24 West, 25th Street, 9th Floor New York NY 10010

Virtual Mental Health Counseling

Organization: Arab American Family Support Center

Call 718-643-8000 to schedule a virtual appointment. Office is open from 9-5, Monday to Friday, available in English and Arabic. HIPPA-compliant.

(718) 643-8000   

Virtual Recovery Meetings

Organization: In the Rooms

An aggregated calendar of online recovery meetings. Create an account with an email address to access live virtual meetings for both support and socialization. Listed meetings include Alcoholics Anony...

VOCAL-NY Syringe Exchange

Organization: VOCAL-NY

Access sterile injection equipment and other supplies for safer injection, fentanyl testing strips, and hygiene supplies. VOCAL-NY is a New York State-licensed Syringe Exchange Program (SEP). Find the...

(646) 707-7308   

Voluntarios distribuyen comestibles y suministros de Invisible Hands

Organization: Invisible Hands Delivery

Invisible Hands es una organización sin ánimo de lucro de voluntarios que ayudan a comunidades vulnerables a la pandemia del COVID-19. El grupo distribuye comestibles y otros suministros a personas en...

Service Category: Food

Volunteers delivering groceries and supplies from Invisible Hands

Organization: Invisible Hands Delivery

Invisible Hands is a group of engaged volunteers from communities at the least risk for severe COVID-19 reactions working to bring groceries and supplies to those in high-risk demographics. We’re focu...

Wellness Gatherings for Undocumented Young People

Organization: Immigrants Rising

Register for 6-week Wellness Support Groups led by trained mental health providers or registered clinicians, designed to help undocumented people feel less alone and more understood.

Workforce Training and Supportive Housing for Homeless Men

Organization: The Doe Fund

Call our intake line at 212-690-6480 for more information. Ready, Willing, and Able is a 12-month residential program with paid work—complemented by holistic social services, career training, educatio...

(212) 690-6480   

Service Category: Housing

Workshops and Programming for Youth

Organization: H.E.A.L.T.H for Youths

A calendar of workshops and programming for youth in their late teens to early 20s with the goal of improving the quality of education, health care and life-skills training for underserved adolescents...

Service Category: Education

Showing 10 of 362 results