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988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Group: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Call 988. We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practi...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302

AARP Social Isolation Prevention for Adults 65 & Older

Group: AARP

Take the AARP three-minute assessment to help you understand your risk level for social isolation and receive helpful information and local recommendations based on your results.
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Community Focus: Seniors and elders

Access information about multiple New York State social services

Group: New York State

MS Navigator allows users access to different services including links to Medicaid help, mental wellness and well-being, youth peer advocacy, family peer advocates, and more!
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302

Access to Health Services and Other Benefits

Group: South Asian Council for Social Services

Call (718)321-7929 or email sacss@sacssny.org to get help accessing both private and public healthcare coverage, as well as help getting public benefits. This service is open to all including South As...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302

Activities for Individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury


Comprehensive range of interest-based activities. Participants have the opportunity to engage in social groups, art projects, community volunteering, cooking and financial literacy. Provide comprehens...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Need Category: Exercise and Wellness

Advocacy for Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors

Group: The Young Center

The Young Center accepts referrals for the appointment of Child Advocates. Fill out the form linked on the website.
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Need Category: Childcare and Pregnancy

Affordable Connectivity Program

Group: Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Eligible low-income households can get help paying for internet service and connected devices. Benefits include: - Up to a $30/month discount on your internet service- Up to a $75/month discount if yo...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Need Category: Internet and Technology

Affordable Housing Resources and Tenant Advocacy

Group: Chhaya CDC

Chhaya is a HUD-certified counseling agency providing pre-purchase and post-purchase counseling services, as well as a tenant advocacy team. Needs addressed include: - First-time Homebuyer Program - F...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Need Category: Housing

Affordable Housing through Breaking Ground

Group: Breaking Ground

Offers affordable housing for low-income working professionals and the formerly homeless, some of whom live with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, or physical disabilities. Call the Central Intake Hotline at...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Need Category: Housing

Affordable locally-grown produce in Queens

Group: Queens Community House

A Food Box Program offering weekly boxed collections of locally grown produce that can be purchased affordably. See website for information on Community Garden, Food Justice programs, and Quarterly Po...
  • 81 Willoughby Street, Suite 302
Need Category: Food

Showing 10 of 329 results