Free Food Delivery for East Asian Elders throughout NYC

Organization: Heart of Dinner

Deliver weekly hot lunches, fresh produce, and bulk ingredients to East Asian elders while supporting local small businesses.

Application Fill out the form to join the waitlist. During the next onboarding cycle, they will review your eligibility for receiving Heart of Dinner care packages for free. You must: 1. Be a local NYC Asian American individual aged 60 or above. 2. Have a gross monthly income as a single elderly at or below $1,869; or have a gross monthly income as an elderly couple at or below $2,518. 3. Unable to prepare meals because of the lack of money to purchase food, inability to shop or cook, or lack of facilities. 4. Isolated due to lack of family, friend or neighbor support.

Service Category: Food


130 Lafayette Street, #32

130 Lafayette Street, #32 New York NY 10013