Filters: Undocumented people/immigrants

Access to Health Services and Other Benefits

Group: South Asian Council for Social Services

Call (718)321-7929 or email to get help accessing both private and public healthcare coverage, as well as help getting public benefits. This service is open to all including South As...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Advocacy for Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors

Group: The Young Center

The Young Center accepts referrals for the appointment of Child Advocates. Fill out the form linked on the website.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Childcare and Pregnancy

Asistencia Para El Entierro

Group: NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)

Envia una solicitud para recibir hasta $3.400 para el costo de una factura de funeral por la disposición final de un difunto.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Asiyah Women's Center

Group: The Asiyah Women's Center

The first Muslim women & family’s shelter in NYC, the Asiyah Center provides temporary housing for survivors of domestic violence. They also provide legal and immigration services, help navigating pub...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Benefits assistance, senior and youth programs, and family services

Group: Grand St. Settlement

Connect with Grand St. Settlement to access financial resources, opportunities for education, counseling, training, and support. Services include one-on-one appointments with Grand St. Settlement staf...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

BronxWorks Economic and Social Services and Programs

Group: BronxWorks

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY: 1-800-662-1220 BronxWorks helps individuals and families improve their economic and social well-being. Th...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Catholic Charities Help Line

Group: Catholic Charities

Call 888-744-7900 to get connected with Catholic Charities' wide range of services for New Yorkers of all religions, including food pantries, housing resources, and services for immigrants and refugee...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Centro de acción de la corte para procesos menores

Group: Hunter NYPIRG

Obtenga ayuda para sus reclamos en procesos menores de corte tales como la compra de artefactos o productos defectuosos, mala calidad en la prestación de servicios, depositos sin retornar, daño a la p...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Civics and English Classes

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Complete the online form to apply to Make the Road adult education programs, including: - English classes for speakers of other languages -Food handlers certification - Citizenship preparation - Hea...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Clases de inglés y educación cívica

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Un tercio de los adultos neoyorqinos—más de dos millones de personas—carecen del conocimiento del idioma inglés o un diploma de educación secundaria, pero como resultado de una falta de fondos solo el...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Community and Family Services Counseling and Support

Group: SCO Family of Services

SCO Family of Services provides a range of community, family, and children's services in Brooklyn and Long Island including access to counseling, community centers, literacy, after school, and employm...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Community Services for Tenants, Immigrants, Seniors, and Youth

Group: Asian Americans For Equality (AAFE)

Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) works with clients one-on-one to ensure their rights to safe and decent housing, to secure and extend appropriate government housing subsidies, to make sure they ha...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Emergency Funds Available from Arab American Family Support Center

Group: Arab American Family Support Center

Call 718-643-8000 Monday-Friday 9-5 to talk about AAFSC's financial support services. Through our Emergency Relief Fund, we support vulnerable, low-income, immigrant and refugee clients in need of em...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Medical

Emergency Grant for Burials

Group: NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)

Apply online or call 844-684-6333 for funds to meet funeral expenses for a deceased low-income New York City resident.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Food Eldercare

Showing 15 of 54 results