Filters: Service and low-wage workers

Benefits assistance, senior and youth programs, and family services

Group: Grand St. Settlement

Connect with Grand St. Settlement to access financial resources, opportunities for education, counseling, training, and support. Services include one-on-one appointments with Grand St. Settlement staf...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor

Civics and English Classes

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Complete the online form to apply to Make the Road adult education programs, including: - English classes for speakers of other languages -Food handlers certification - Citizenship preparation - Hea...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Need Category: Education

Clases de inglés y educación cívica

Group: Make the Road New York (MRNY)

Un tercio de los adultos neoyorqinos—más de dos millones de personas—carecen del conocimiento del idioma inglés o un diploma de educación secundaria, pero como resultado de una falta de fondos solo el...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Need Category: Education

Covenant House crisis shelter and resources for youth experiencing homelessness

Group: Covenant House NY

Any youth 16-21 and their minor child(ren) may go 24/7 to Covenant House NY crisis shelter at 550 10th Ave (enter on 40th St east of 10th Ave). They have beds, clothes, food, showers, laundry, charger...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Need Category: Housing

Digital Resource Map by and for Transgender, Non-binary and/or Intersex People

Group: Callen-Lorde

TransAtlas is a map-based guide to community organizations, agencies and spaces across the 5 boroughs of New York City, made by and for people of transgender, non-binary and/or intersex experience....
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Need Category: Education

Digital Skills Course

Group: Hot Bread Kitchen

Enroll in membership on their "Bridge Course" page. This free digital skills course teaches and provides computer skills to feel more equipped in the online professional world.
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Need Category: Housing Delivery/Transport

Free Educational Courses, SAT and AP Prep

Group: Khan Academy

Created by experts, Khan Academy’s library of trusted, standards-aligned practice and lessons covers math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, history, AP®, SAT®, and more. It’s all free for...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor

One Fair Wage Emergency Coronavirus Tipped and Service Worker Support Fund

Group: One Fair Wage

Providing cash assistance to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers.
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Community Focus: Service and low-wage workers

One Fair Wage. Fondo de Emergencia de ayuda para trabajadores de restaurantes durante la pandemia del Corona Virus

Group: One Fair Wage

Formulario de aplicación para trabajadores de restaurantes que busquen obtener ayuda finaciera durante la crisis del COVID-19.
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Community Focus: Service and low-wage workers

Organizing and Providing Critical Services to Low-Wage Migrant Workers

Group: Damayan Migrant Worker Center

Email or call (212) 564-6057 to reach Riya Ortiz at Damayan Migrant Workers Association, a Filipino migrant workers cooperative. Helps labor trafficking survivors develop escape plans, secure emergenc...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor
Community Focus: Service and low-wage workers

RiseBoro HSE/ESL Program (English and Spanish)

Group: RiseBoro Community Partnership

Fill out the form to access free HSE Adult Education classes at RiseBoro (English and Spanish). Classes are designed to prepare students for the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) that will pr...
  • 406 West 40th St, 3rd Floor

Showing 14 of 14 results