Filters: People with low-income/limited income

Information About Housing Rights For City Residents

Group: NYC Commission on Human Rights

Information from the NYC Commission on Human Rights about what NYC Human Rights law covers in relation to housing discrimination including specific scenarios in which a complaint might be filed.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Education

Information on SNAP Enrollment, Cash Assistance, and Medicaid

Group: NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)

Call the NYC HRA info line at 718-557-1399, or download the "Access HRA" app to learn more about and apply for benefits.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Informational guides for immigrants

Group: Informed Immigrant

Find information and links to organizations covering topics including DACA, TPS, mental health, education, and employment for undocumented and other immigrants.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Interest Free Loans for New Yorkers Seeking Immediate Financial Help

Group: Hebrew Free Loan Society NYC

Hebrew Free Loan Society offers interest free loans for needs such as medical, addiction treatment, higher education, vocational training, and housing. Applicants must be defined as low to moderate in...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Food

Legal, Financial, and Social Service Guidance

Group: Restoration Plaza

Contact customer service at 718-636-6994 or walk in to schedule an appointment at Restoration Plaza at the Financial Empowerment Center. Restoration provides a continuum of services from case manager...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Lifeline Grocery Packages

Group: The Connected Chef

Sign-up online for this community initiative that delivers high-density, nutritious groceries free to families in Queens, NYC. This program will prioritize families who are out of work and do not qual...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Línea de servicios de denuncia contra casos de violencia doméstica

Group: Safe Horizon

Llame al 1-800-621-HOPE (4673) para obtener asistencia en casos de violencia doméstica, incluye consejería en situaciones de crisis, planeación de una salida segura ante una crisis, asistencia encontr...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Food

Línea directa nacional de hambre

Group: USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Para Inglés, llama a 1-866-348-6479 Para Español, llama a 1-877-842-6273 Text 97779 Horario: 7AM - 10PM EST Esta línea directa ayuda a gente de bajos ingresos o a comunidades proporcionando ayuda ali...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Safety from Violence

Línea directa nacional para la violencia doméstica

Group: National Domestic Violence Hotline

Línea directa gratuita y chat para víctimas de violencia doméstica. Llame: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Texto "START" to 88788 Chat en vivo ahora:
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Línea directa para acceso a beneficios

Group: Legal Aid Society

Llama al 888-663-6880 para la Línea directa para acceso a beneficios de Legal Aid Society, de lunes a viernes desde 10 am hasta 3 pm. Intérpretes están disponibles para todos los idiomas. Los empleado...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Low and No Cost Healthcare through NYC Health + Hospitals

Group: NYC Health + Hospitals

Visit or call 1-646-NYC-CARE (1-646-692-2273) to enroll in the NYC Care program and access low- and no-cost healthcare from NYC Health + Hospitals, regardless of immigration status. Even i...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Low-Cost Primary Heathcare Services

Group: Institute for Family Health

Medical Resource providing high-quality health care for all ages in Manhattan, the Bronx and the Mid-Hudson Valley. Patient-centered primary health care targeted to the needs of medically underserved...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Map of Food Resources in Flatbush

Group: -No Associated Group

Map contains public schools, churches, food pantries, and other services available in Flatbush.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302

Map of Food Resources in New York City

Group: Food Help NYC

Get Food NYC maintains a map of locations that offer free food (food pantries and soup kitchens), as well as grocery stores and farmers' markets.
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Housing

Money to help pay for rent or mortgage that you owe

Group: NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)

Emergency grant to help pay for rent or mortgage that you owe. Must provide documentation showing how future rent payments will be made, including a statement from a third party who will help you pay...
  • 161 Port Richmond Ave Staten Island NY 10302
Need Category: Medical

Showing 15 of 92 results