The New York Public Interest Research Group’s unique mission is to give students an array of extracurricular activities and opportunities to participate in important public policy discussions, through which they can learn a wide range of valuable skills, contributing to a well-rounded educational experience.

Students across the state at NYPIRG’s campus chapters, including NYPIRG’s Student Board of Directors, have made tangible contributions on the issues of civic engagement, higher education funding, consumer rights, environmental protection, mass transit, and homelessness. Since 1973, NYPIRG has provided a unique service of supplementary learning and provided countless students with an enriching and rewarding experience.

Centro de acción de la corte para procesos menores

Obtenga ayuda para sus reclamos en procesos menores de corte tales como la compra de artefactos o productos defectuosos, mala calidad en la prestación de servicios, depositos sin retornar, daño a la p...

(212) 349-6460 x1201   

Service Category: Legal

Small Claims Court Action Center

Get free help with consumer problems and complaints in small claims court, such as the purchase of defective goods, shoddy services, unreturned security deposits, property damage or falling victim to...

(212) 349-6460 x1201   

Service Category: Legal