New York Public Library (NYPL)

The New York Public Library has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years.

Connections 2023: A Guide for Formerly Incarcerated People in NYC

A collection of resources for formally incarcerated people. The guide includes resources related to education, money, housing, mental and physical health, substance use, and more.

Service Category: Education Housing Money

NYPL Free Online Tutoring

Get free online homework help from one-on-one tutors, daily from 2–11 PM. Available in English and Spanish, from early elementary through high school grades, in core subject areas. Video content and o...

Service Category: Education

Tutoría en línea gratis

Obtenga ayuda gratuita en línea para tareas de materias principales con tutores individuales. Este servicio está disponible en inglés y español todos los días de 2 a 11 P.M. EDT para estudiantes de pr...

Service Category: Education