The HOPE Program
The HOPE Program empowers New Yorkers to build sustainable futures through comprehensive training, jobs, advancement, and lifelong career support. Our comprehensive approach combines training, adult basic education, industry certifications, work wellness services, internships, HSE prep, and job placement with long-term support.
(347) 773 - 4623  
Free job training and placements
The HOPE Program is a non-profit organization that offers 5 different job training programs: job readiness training, construction training, industry certifications such as OSHA-30 internships, HSE pre...
Community Focus:
People with disabilities and chronic illnesses/immuno-compromised
People who are homeless/housing unstable/public housing residents
Unemployed people
Seniors and elders
Incarcerated people and communities subject to over-policing
Survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence
People with low-income/limited income