"Service Name","Service Alternate Name",Category,Organization,Phone,Address,Contact,"Service Description",URL,"Application Process","Wait Time",Fees,Accreditations,Licenses,Details "Marmion Safe Haven Temporary Shelter",,"Housing,",,"(212) 663-3000","1790 Marmion Ave Bronx NY 10640",,"Call 212-663-3000 to speak to an intake specialist. Marmion Safe Haven provides temporary shelter to 41 men with histories of chronic street homelessness whose needs have not been met by the traditional shelter system. The Safe Haven model prioritizes harm reduction and takes a housing-first approach without preconditions like established sobriety or documentation of homelessness. The Safe Haven offers on-site groups and programs and links clients to case management, psychiatric, and other services. ",https://www.thebridgeny.org/shelter#services-offered,,,,,, , Sources:,"Mutual Aid NYC" "Filtered by: ", "Downloaded: ","05/01/2024 10:17:39"