"Service Name","Service Alternate Name",Category,Organization,Phone,Address,Contact,"Service Description",URL,"Application Process","Wait Time",Fees,Accreditations,Licenses,Details "Help for Seniors Accessing Benefits & Support",,"Eldercare,Money,Food,Delivery/Transport,",,"212-777-3555 ext. 119","20 Washington Square North New York NY 10011",,"Call to make an appointment or find out about a regularly scheduled social work clinics. Connect with case managers for help to access benefits, including medical, financial, housing, and other needs; and get references for legal care and mental health care. Or enroll in the Daily Money Management program to help seniors with day-to-day financial tasks.",https://www.greenwichhouse.org/case-management/,,,,,, , Sources:,"Mutual Aid NYC" "Filtered by: ", "Downloaded: ","05/15/2024 21:47:29"